Detail Produk Antena Hy-Gain V2R USA
Antena Hy-Gain V2R USA 138 – 174 Mhz input 500Watt panjang 3.1 meter berat 2.6kg cocok dijadikan antena radio rig atau antena repeater
Antena Hygain V2R ( USA)
2 Meter vertical with 3 dBd gain derived from the famous extended double zepp antenna design. Radiating elements are two collinear 5/ 8 waves fed in phase. 2 sets of 1/ 4 wave radials properly decouple lower radiator from the mast. The SO-239, handles 500 Watts. 9 feet.
Beli Antena Hygain V2R ( USA) dengan harga murah
Spesifikasi – Antena Hygain V2R ( USA)
Frequency: 138 – 175MHz
Gain dBd: 5.2 dBi
Power Input 500 Watts
Wind 105 mph
Max Mast 2 in. OD
Height 3.1 meter
Weight 6 lbs.
Untuk Pemesanan dan Informasi Harga Terbaik, Hubungi :
Roni Zayini
HP : 081388031624 / 081274087466
WA : 081274087466